©周俊輝 Chow Chun Fai

周俊輝 Chow Chun Fai
Nathan Road
油彩布本 Oil on canvas
10cm(H) x 10cm(W)

周俊輝在2019年反引渡法案抗議中所經歷的一系列場景。系列並不是以個人為重點,不少作品都只有一些輪廓隱現在火紅背景前,以比較客觀的街頭視角, 展示出當時激烈的新聞/直播畫面。

Chow painted a series of the scenes he experienced from the anti-extradition bill protest in 2019. Instead of focusing on individuals, Chow painted the back of the people and presents it as a street-level perspective, showing the intense scene that was on news or live streaming.

周俊輝 (b.1980)

CHOW Chun Fai (b.1980)
Graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Department of Fine Arts (BA and MFA). In 2012 he ran for the Hong Kong Legislative Council elections, for the Sports, Performing Arts, Culture and Publication constituency. Most recently his work has been featured in the exhibitions: Chow Chun Fai (Eli Klein Gallery New York 2018); Everything Comes With an Expiry Date (Klein Sun Gallery New York 2016); Venice Meeting Point (Venice Biennale 2015); Hong Kong Eye (Saatchi Gallery London 2012), the Liverpool Biennial (Liverpool 2012). Chow is a the recipient of the Grand Prize of the Hong Kong Arts Centre 30th Anniversary Awards, and the Sovereign Asian Art Prize.
